Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ford's Theater

Today, I went to Ford’s Theater, the location of Lincoln’s assassination by John Wilkes Booth.  I thought the museum was well organized; it balanced history and appeal to the public effectively.  The museum had a lot of artifacts from Lincoln’s life, specifically from the night he died.  After a tour of the museum, you are able to go into the theater, which is still an active theater today.  I think that the theater is sometimes overlooked by tourists who come to DC to visit the popular Smithsonian museums, but I would definitely suggest taking the time to visit this museum dedicated to one of our greatest presidents.

Abraham Lincoln's brass knuckles.  Because Lincoln was a badass.

 I have been researching this guy for the past two weeks at the Navy Museum.

The tiny gun.

Once again, I repeat: Lincoln was a badass.

Lincoln's box.

 That's a long way to jump.

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